I know, not many people would want to read my posting, but I really want some of you think about it. I'm taking a risk to shpil away about an old dilemma.Recently I came across the article in JewishSF, which is both interesting and controversial.
If many years ago Jewish women used to complain about a requirement to be a "Jewish shiksa", nowadays they consider non-Jewish men over Jewish ones. Is it the end of the tribe? There is no doubt, Jewish women are quite sensitive to a social atmosphere.
It looks to me, it's always about men and their egos. It's always about THEIR respect and disrespect of an honorable idea "to be married and be a family man". For women, it's ONLY about finding a RIGHT one. Let's think about simple interpretation of the "family". The very first thought, which comes to my head, is that FAMILY is about woman and man and their respectful relationship. Don't worry, I don't forget word "LOVE", because LOVE begins with respect. Somehow, living in DEMOCRATIC society, WE are losing RESPECT to each other. It's not a bold statement; it's an idea, which stirs us to a wrong direction. And as usual, it's up to us, if we want to follow this path or change a direction.
Now we just have to find out, how RESPECT works... (I welcome any input!)
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